consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Sunday, August 15, 2004

back to the arizona life and their way of things. ra training is almost over, and looking back, it doesn't seem as bad as i thought it'd be. the pro staff here in cholla is much better than last year's--i've only had one "attitude" talk. hee. hee.

the drive here was so much better than my other road trips--thanks to cortney and ryan. the chicas did all the driving, but ryan's company was appreciated. once we got to az i had to start stinking training immediately so my hosting skills were extremely lacking. hopefully cort and ryan can return when i have more time and when it's not so hot out. fingers crossed.

that's all for now. i still haven't unpacked, and zillions of posters need to be made. napoleon dynamite is an amazing film. everyone should see it.


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