today it was very obvious to me that i've changed in the past few years.
kearney, nebraska is an exit many choose to take while traveling down beautiful I-80. growing up, and especially in the summer, i would check the license plates at fast food restuarants or gas stations and note the exotic places the visitors were from--louisiana, california, alaska, etc. i'd check and see what the final destinations of greyhound buses were and wonder about the lives of the people inside the cars and buses who only thought of kearney as a place to eat or fuel up instead of what it was to me--home. i was jealous of those people. i'd wish i were the one going places--if only i were on that bus that would be in los angeles tomorrow.
but this morning...
i made a quick trip to buffalo county's seat and as i passed the west/east interchange and saw the pick-up from wisconsin and the car from michigan, i thought to myself, "boy am i glad i'm not them with such a long drive ahead." i was happy to be only fifteen minutes from axtell and familiar faces--glad to be home.
my wild spirit is currently in idle.
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