yesterday the mercury creeped high enough for the pool to reopen after a five-day hiatus only to shut down again at four due to rain. but today the sun was shining, and we were able to host axtellians all day long.
kate's wedding is this saturday, and i'm super-excited for abby to come home for a few days on thursday and to see susan again. (ab, the water is looking beautiful so when you get here, you'll beable to use me for a swimming hole like you always do. ;)) also, i was hesitant for a long time about the choices kate's been making lately, but after spending a lot more time with jay, i think she's doing the right thing. a lot of stuff jay says and does reminds me of ian--and that has to be a good sign. :)
tomorrow i am getting my eyes checked, and i'm nervous. i think i'm going blind--never a good thing. but it could be worse, cortney's getting her wisdom teeth pulled. so everyone, think of both of us tomorrow morning.
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