consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Saturday, June 05, 2004

kids are mouthy, but they are also little joys. if i didn't have their bright eyes to see everyday and hear their voices calling up at me to see the size of their splashes, i'd be sad. the sun is wearing me out. i think i'm going to age 20 years in this one summer, and this working life is forcing me to be in bed by eleven. what is happening to me?! complaining about the sun and going to bed early. it's still me--i promise.

the good news is that i spent last night with the thomsen sisters & co. and got to see the new harry potter with ab. good times. i was sad to leave lincoln all too-early this morning. i wish i could spend all my time with kate and abby before kate leaves for arizona and abby to mexico. those dates are approaching far too quickly. i'm going to go hug chris.*�


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