consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Monday, May 10, 2004

things i like:
1. watching people at the computing commons.
2. seeing who tries to slide down the slippery floor of the computing commons.
3. going to taco bell with ian
4. the pretty white keyboard i'm using right now.
5. singin' in the rain
6. my residents. they made me card. a rather colorful one.
7. paul cook
8. only having one more paper to write
9. nice emails from nice cousins

things i don't like:
1. writing bad papers.
2. not being home
3. being forced to talk to people i don't know very well
4. not so good mornings--especially when they come too fast, like deadlines

the score is tied--5 to 5. are you at the edge of your seat? stay tuned. the night is young


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