consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

i am now an official certified pool operator for the state of nebraska. go ahead and take a moment to ponder my glorious accomplishments. :)

this morning chris and i woke up bright and early, picked up cortney, and headed to the capital city for a day of shopping for them and a four-hour class/testing for me. the day was highlighted by dining in two of nebraska's treasures: runza and valentinos. it had been way too long. they need to expand to the southwest immediately.

we had to wait for abby to finish "being an adult" to have supper with us so we spent a long time in the nebraska bookstore where chris asked, "do you think i can get a huskers shirt here?" he was being cute. nebraska bookstore has everything huskers--even ice-scrapers. they even had hot new apparell since christmas, and i was tempted to buy errol a pink shirt i saw. but it had sparkles on it. are you ok with wearing a sparkling pink shirt, errol? ;)

it was a fun day and great to spend a lot of time with my two favorite class of 2004 graduates.t


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