last night i needed some introvert time, and i thought i'd get it since i had the house to myself, but i needed my wide open spaces and headed out for a walk. as i stepped outside and felt the heavy evening air, immediately my hair began to curl and my clothes stick. the ninety degree day brought a very humid eve. maybe this night stroll wasn't the greatest idea, but i proceeded anyway.
as i walked, a familiar smell drifted my way--could it be...pollen? memories of detasseling crowded my brain, and i couldn't believe it. is it that time already? i glanced around and sure enough, the corn had grown tall without my noticing and glimpses of gold glimmered across the vast green. summer is indeed in full swing, and i think i am too. my transition period is over, and i once again feel like i'm home. although this summer hasn't turned out to be what i thought it would, i will treasure it. i love driving home with my windows down hearing the hum of the irrigation wells and waving at the farmers checking rows. last week dustin was driving me back to axtell and caught me with my arm out the window and eyes closed with a half-smile on my face just enjoying the feel of the fresh breeze on my face. he looked over at me and said, "you can take the girl out of nebraska, but you can't take the nebraska out of the girl." i scoffed at the cliche knowing that in a few weeks i'd be on the road back to arizona, but after thinking about it, he's probably right. no matter how many misquito slaps and gross feedlot or standing water stenches that come about here in this cornhusker state, it will always hold a special place in my heart. always.
enough sap. happy birthday, susan.
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