on july 3, 2003, i met hillary rodham clinton. on july 3, 2004, i worked all day at the axtell pool. i'm glad my life is progressing so well.
i spent a wild night with my buddy brian last night. we tried to be part of a little summer honors (geek camp) reunion, but it didn't work out the best. we left early feeling a lot older than 20.
today at the pool i felt like i was in a norman rockwell painting. the axtell fire department parked their truck on the street in front of the pool, turned on a hose, and began spraying water at all of us. the kids ran out of the bath house and jumped out of the water to dance under the steady stream of falling droplets. it was a moment i'll never forget. it will be memories like that i will take with me from this summer.
tonight chris and i went to the fairgrounds to watch the county's fireworks display. we were pleased, and judging by the amount of horn-honking, so was the rest of the town. fourth of july brings minden's one and only traffic jam and sitting in the car talking while waiting for officer wagner to wave you along, is almost as fun as ooohing and awwwing at the pyrotechnics. the car did seem eerily empty though. ab, susan, kate, we missed you.
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