consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Saturday, July 31, 2004

both abby and mom worked at the pool with me today, and it was super-fun. abby is still getting used to speaking english again, and it's quite humorous for me to hear her yoda-esque sentence structure and clumsy english translations of spanish phrases, such as, "how odd." the day did get a bit long though since mom could only work in the bath house. ab and i roasted outside for seven hours straight, and now she's a big lobster. hee. hee. red abby.

tomorrow i think i'll make a quick trip to lincoln to see chris for the last time before december. i hope this trip is more successful than the one last week. it has been hard this past week not having him around. i've forgotten a couple times and have come home calling for him. i'll search the house only to find a made bed in an empty room and remember he's left. i'm going to miss the fam so much! tonight we watched kate and jay's wedding dvd for the first time, and it made me cry. i think just the idea of all of us together makes me cry.


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