consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Monday, November 29, 2004

this past week went incredibly quickly. i really hope the next two and a half will go equally as fast. for some strange reason i thought i only had two finals this semester, but i noticed today that i have four... arg. hurry up, december 16!

our little vacation was loads of fun. i'm so happy that errol was able to be with me and get to know the fam. he got a taste of nebraska life with the husker game and a few meals at runza, and i don't think he was too repulsed. yay! it will be even better when kate and jay are there at christmas.

there were a few low points over the week--i found out i need a root canal. boo. bright side--maybe i will be inundated with flowers and get well wishes. not hinting at all.

Monday, November 22, 2004

words cannot express how eager i am to never work a 4-6 a.m. desk shift ever again. i hate having this interruption in my night's rest. lately, i haven't been able to resume my slumber when i get back from the desk and get stuck writing pointless posts at 6.27 in the morning for lack of anything else to do in the dark at such a god-awful hour. *sigh*

Sunday, November 21, 2004

just returned from a great time in yuma and am so happy that i am with someone who doesn't mind driving on scary curvy mountain roads in the rain. i heart errol lord!

time with kate and jay was really fun. it's good to be with people you can be completely yourself with and comfortable around. i wish there were more weekends like this.

the bad news is my hair is extremely short and errol tried to placate me with "it's just thin." eek. am worried that ab is going to make a bigger deal than usual that i've lost all my midwesterness. hopefully will reclaim some starting tomorrow.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

we volunteered at an elementary school carnival tonight, and it was amazing how well-behaved the kids were. i don't know if it was because they are rich or just really happy to be bouncing around in a large giraffe. it was very unreal--in a good way. the only downside of it all was dealing with adults/peers after the event. when will those type of people stop being peers? and why does growing up change people for the worse everytime?

finding neverland was beautiful. i loved everything about it. i loved the conversation i had with ab on the way to the theater and very much enjoyed how easy it is to snuggle in camelview's seats. it really made me want to return to europe. so did the prague convo with buttless today. i wish it weren't so far and money was not an issue. i can't wait to go with you someday, errol. i feel selfish that i want to be with you when you discover its magic for the first time. maybe you should go w/o me this summer and reclaim your "good son" title.

alas, tonight was full of moments that reinforced how right everything is with you.

Friday, November 19, 2004

three days and counting, baby! thanksgiving is going to be amazing--can't wait to see the fam and ab's new car. :) the only thing that would make it even greater would be if i could meet cesar...

errol's a sick baby. all feverish and itchy. hopefully the prairie air will heal him or maybe yuma's. we're going to see kate and jay on saturday. should be good times--at least free food and laundry.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

mary triano is not letting me move to center. res life is officially out to get me.

i'm getting really excited to go home in less than a week, but i have so much work to do. School is so discouraging--especially this semester. thanks to my short-lived thoughts of transferring on the last day of drop/add a few months back, i am stuck with classes that i don't enjoy and worst of all, do not satisfy any requirement--nothing like useless classes. yes, it seems all they will do is lower my gpa. yes!


everything unrelated to school is marvelous. we went shopping yesterday, and it made me look forward even more to a life post-undergrad. simply living and being--maybe a little work. maybe.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

just returned from the sol retreat. it wasn't that enjoyable and very cold. errol left early which made it even worse. yesterday we had to do team-builders in the sleeting rain. if i am sick for thanksgiving, i'm going to kill someone. it's already sunday--the weekend gone. higher education administration...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

i had a really good meeting with my hall director this afternoon; and if all goes well, i will be leaving cholla and returning to the honors college in january. yay! i'll miss the little apartment-- it will always hold a special place in my heart (obvious reasons), but i think it's the right decision to leave.

i just talked to my mom, and she's doing better. her sister is staying over at good ol' 1087 G tonight, and it makes me want to live with abby again. maybe we can be roomies over thanksgiving and part of winter break. :) come on, ab, i know you'd love it!

it's super-hot in my room right now. it makes me want to go to flagstaff. ah, flagstaff.

Monday, November 08, 2004

i took a plant biology test today, and i thought it went surprisingly well. we'll see...

that has been the high point.

lows include my mother being very ill and my abby not doing so well either. i really wish i could help them and that i didn't live so far away. sigh.

also, when errol gets sad, i know it's my fault. plus, his mother is starting to hate me.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

we saw the bourne supremacy a couple days ago, and i've been having dreams set in europe ever since. after learning the election results this morning, am wishing i had lots of passports too.

i'm pretty exhausted right now. it took six hours to vote today. we spent an hour gallivanting around tempe trying to find a more convenient place to cast our kerry votes, but, alas, we were forced to wait in a line for five hours. there were probably about a thousand of us, and i must admit the first three hours were almost fun. time with errol and we were both really impressed at the turnout. so much so that errol contemplated ceasing asu criticism for a bit because of our fellow students' determination. and that says a lot. yet even with all the young liberals' determination, arizona still went to bush. it seems i got cold and tired for no reason. i wish i were in bed instead of stuck at this desk in this horrible place. i wish i could have voted in ohio.

Monday, November 01, 2004

how horrible of me that i left out how amazing errol's dad is. he went way out of his way to try to make me feel better and used his connections to get me to a dentist on a sunday. yes, a sunday. i know--amazing. i love the lords.