consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Thursday, June 30, 2005

i just printed my final anthropology project: a day in the life of an ancient minoan rebel. i hope the professor likes it. when i reread it a few minutes ago, i thought, "did i really write this?" i must have been in a strange state last night at mustang library. we also have a final quiz today then anthropology is over. it's pretty insane that it's already been five weeks. i have a feeling that i'm not going to like geography and its lab next session... but i'll take the positive outlook: maybe he'll let us out early a lot!

Monday, June 27, 2005

just finished making another of my mother's dishes: tater tot casserole. i hope errol likes it. sometimes i don't understand that boy. he claims he's hungry all the time but never seems to eat. hopefully, having prepared meals will help.

i'm listening to christmas carols right now. i love christmas. this year's will be the best yet.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

bewitched is a hilarious movie! errol and i went to it last night after work, and it's really, really good. it had a preview for rent too which was also very exciting.

when i got back from j.crew this afternoon, errol had a dozen roses waiting for me. isn't he the greatest?

going to work phantom again tonight. on thursday i watched it for the first time since it got here, and it was excellent. i think i liked the production i saw at kansas city best, but all of them have been good. the same actress who played christine in omaha a few summers ago is the one i saw on thursday. crazy, huh? wouldn't you be sick of playing the same role year after year? i would.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

i just spent the last hour browsing the internet for wedding dresses. i really would like to find one--not because i am nervous i won't find it in time or anything, but because i am so sick of going to j.crew and hearing from my 32 year-old, cat-loving, wishes she were married already manager, "have you ordered your gown yet?" ick. enough already! bud out!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

i just got out of my math class, and i am so angry. our professor is seriously the worst teacher in the world. whenever one of us asks a question off the homework that isn't exactly like a example in the book, the teacher responds: "i'll have to get back to you on that one" or "this won't be on the test." ahh! it's driving me crazy. i understand that most bad math teachers don't know how to teach the math, but at least they know how to do it. this one can't do either. can't wait til july 21.

in better news, i had lots of fun driving the golf cart yesterday. errol golfed an amazing 27 holes, and i know that i would have died if it hadn't been for that fabulous little cart. it makes me want to get one of those jobs on campus where you zoom around honking at all the pedestrians to make way. after golf i took errol out to red lobster for a birthday supper that was just the two of us. it was pretty delicious--no crab-crackin' mondays but the flounder was good. i couldn't help but think i was eating ariel's little friend though.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

well, yesterday was a busy day at our humble abode. how strange is it that errol and buttless have the same birthday? very. hopefully, they both had good days. i made cakes, bought presents, and took them to bamboo club. this afternoon errol and i are going golfing (errol golfs; i watch), and i'm excited to see him in his new digs. i'll have my own personal j.crew model.

have yet to hear from the family about dad's reaction to our father's day present and am very eager for communication. i need reassurance that my gifts are perfection.

have an anthropology test in 40 minutes and must review.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

heaven smiled down on me today when jcrew called to say they had to cut hours, and i'm working only 5-10. ahh... this afternoon was nice. errol took me to get a pedicure. it was wonderful.

i forgot buttless's parents would be stopping by today. i think the house looked rather good for company. i only felt bad that my stuff was all over the kitchen table. whoops.

errol had to work today from 3.30 til midnight. isn't that insane? and he only gets a half-hour break. don't get me started on the injustices of the service industry. sounds like a job for the caped crusader! (that's batman, right?)

had a good time at batman begins last night. it's definitely the best batman i've ever seen. the only downside was that we had to go to the late show so i was very sleepy.

we were looking at pictures earlier, and it made me excited for christmas. i love christmas, fa la la la la. i wonder how dec'd out the apartment can get...

it looks like we're not going to flagstaff tomorrow for father's day. i'm a bit disappointed because of course it's a zillion degrees here and in the 70s there, and i had hoped errol and killian could spend some quality time together, but alas, it appears errol and i will continue our working lives down in the valley tomorrow.

speaking of working lives, i have to go to j.crew for 8 hours today. yuck. stomachache. hopefully it will go fast.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

i don't like coming home at a time when the neighbor lady downstairs thinks it's late enough to water her garden. the water sprays up on the stairs making it impossible for me to walk up to our door without getting wet. i also don't like that my refridgerated bread is getting moldy.

i'm planning on heading to campus early tomorrow to see one of my old teachers from last semester. she's wonderful, and i enjoyed her class a lot, but i'm nervous about our one on one. i think i'm not too good one on one--too much pressure to carry the conversation and be charming. does anyone know what i mean? i think this feeling is totally foreign to errol. he feels no responsibility in filling the silence. is he or am i part of the majority?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

i finished my anthropology project of finding ten websites that talked about old world archaeology and writing summaries. let me tell you, fun, fun, fun. at least i'm done, but now i have to go to gammage. hopefully, my coworkers won't be chatty kathys and let me do my math. summer school. boo.

errol's golfing. i don't know how he does it. it's a zillion degrees out. why would anyone want to be outside for three hours walking and swinging (is that the best verb to describe golf?)? it really boggles my mind.

must go. the phantom beckons.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

we just got back from seeing the movie crash. i think that i grew up with the sense that all movies should be feel-good and entertaining for the most part, but once errol entered the scene, i was introduced to "films." i've noticed that people who go to the theater to see the informative, artsy movies call them "films." well, crash is definitely a film. it's very sad and moving and made me want to run away.

i have a headache. errol's making me soup.

Monday, June 13, 2005

i just made my mother's barbequed meatballs. i think i did ok. my favorite part was smelling the liquid smoke. did you know there is such a thing? it really smells like a fire. i'm thinking of splashing some on tomorrow--liquid smoke, my new fragrance.

Friday, June 10, 2005

i was in a bad mood when i woke up this morning. first, the bright eyes and the faint show last night wasn't all that great. i don't think that i am made for that kind of entertainment. admittedly, the faint was amazing--the best live show i've seen, but i was definitely ready to go home after one set. this is insane. i love bright eyes's music but really hate being surrounded with sweaty people in a swealtering room. what makes it worse is that i know errol loves going to shows. it would kill him if i didn't go with him. yet, the whole time i was thinking, i like the music just as much listening to it in my nice cool apartment with plenty of personal space. so, i wasn't in the best of mindsets to begin with. now on fridays i don't usually have to leave the house til 10.10 compared to the 8.40 monday-thursday, but today was different. i shelled out $53 to recertify my red cross cpr for the professional rescuer. sadly, the class was at 8.30 in the morning in east mesa hell. there was an accident on the 101 so the long drive took even longer. as you can expect, i was in a really bad mood by the time i got there.


there is a glimmer of happiness in this post. when we went around the table for introductions, my new favorite fireman told us to say if this was our first time and if not, how many times you've taken the class. "hi, i'm anne. I'm taking this class for lifeguarding, and it will be my seventh recertification." due to my amazing red cross past, tom the fireman let me do a "cpr challenge." i showed him my skills, took the test, and was out of east mesa hell in 45 minutes. much better than the 8-hours the class would have taken.

and the day just got better. errol's class was canceled so we got to hang out the whole live long day til we had to go to our jobs at five. we even picked out the fabric for bridesmaid dresses. yay! i hope it works out.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

i forgot to talk about our "vendor night" at the wright house yesterday. sadly, it was disappointing. the caterer is mean and didn't give us that much food to try. errol says he's going to complain. i hope he does. the cake lady was really nice though. she is going to make us a spectacular cake. errol picked it out, and it is not only going to be beautiful but delicious as well. yum. yum. can't wait til november 23. actually, i can't wait til 1.20 this afternoon. i'm very tired of going to class everyday. am looking forward to august vacation a lot.

i'm in anthropology right now doing something i shouldn't be doing on the computers. bad me. seriously, though, how can any intelligent teacher expect students not to have a thousand windows up when we use the internet for an in-class activity?

we went to see cinderella man last night. it was fabulous. i really, really liked it. i wish we still wore the clothes people wore in the 30s. even though most people were poor and had no food, i think they dressed better than all the over-fed people do today.

i'm working the opening night show of phantom of the opera tonight. can't wait!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

i almost got hit in the parking lot of our complex. very scary. seriously, the last thing i need right now is to be carless. speaking of, i really hate commuting. i can't believe people do this everyday their whole lives. one summer is going to be way too much for me. it's not the freeway driving but driving in general. i just don't like having lots of cars around. i miss my daily journey to a-town.

today during anthropology i was scanning the room, hoping that something would be more interesting than the slide i was supposed to be looking at. a girl a couple tables down from me was wearing a t-shirt that said cozad on the front. i thought, "that's weird. i've never heard of any other cozads besides the one in nebraska and a fellow member of the southwest conference." as the class period progressed, the girl in the cozad shirt stood up, and across the chest of the shirt was written "haymakers." it was the cozad of southwest conference! how many homecoming parades had i seen with floats finding some way or another to convey the message that the whippets were going to beat the haymakers (although the floats were much more entertaining when we played ogallala or broken bow--"scalp the indians!"). after class i approached the girl and asked if she were from cozad. she just stared back at me totally confused. "your shirt," i said, "cozad, nebraska?" it wasn't her shirt; she had no idea what it meant. after our encounter i'm confident that she learned at least one thing in class today.

Monday, June 06, 2005

errol will be over any second now to take me to the wright house to pick out invitations. this is so exciting! i'm worried that plane tickets will be insanely expensive and no one will fly out here for the wedding or will complain about how much it cost. boo airline industry and their obsession with making money over the holidays.

errol just called and now we will be late for our appt. i really hate when he pulls this kind of thing. i'm sorry you thought it was at five, but it's at 3.30. arg. and i'm guessing that i'll be the one who will have to make our excuses to the wedding coordinator that we're late even though it's your fault. double arg.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

i spent the last few hours on the phone with mom talking about all things wedding. gee whiz. there is a lot to think about, and i'm afraid i'm not very good at it. tomorrow we're picking out invitations. i think i can handle that, and i definitely will survive tasting food and cake tuesday. :) bridesmaid dresses, on the other hand, is a whole different thing. i just want everyone to look beautiful, is that so hard? apparently it is. i wish katie and ab lived nearby so i could shop with them. i'm glad those two are excited about being in my wedding; it's refreshing.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

prescott was fun yesterday. i think brad should definitely come to asu. it would be so amazing if errol had someone he actually liked and wanted to socialize with here. plus, who wouldn't pick asu over byu? please.

i'm making a cd for my aunt right now. i hope she loves these songs as much as we do.

c bought his plane ticket today! he's coming for sure next month. have i mentioned how much i love my brother? i do. he' s the best.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

libraries make me feel better. i was kind of bummed that errol had to work again tonight, but once i got to the library, i felt extremely better. i got right to work and finished my math homework already. abby would be so proud to see me doing homework before the weekend. i am going to check out the book kissing kate and hopefully it will help with thesis work. i am beginning to feel rather overwhelmed with all things thesis. i don't know if i can get it done in one semester.