i was in a bad mood when i woke up this morning. first, the bright eyes and the faint show last night wasn't all that great. i don't think that i am made for that kind of entertainment. admittedly, the faint was amazing--the best live show i've seen, but i was definitely ready to go home after one set. this is insane. i love bright eyes's music but really hate being surrounded with sweaty people in a swealtering room. what makes it worse is that i know errol loves going to shows. it would kill him if i didn't go with him. yet, the whole time i was thinking, i like the music just as much listening to it in my nice cool apartment with plenty of personal space. so, i wasn't in the best of mindsets to begin with. now on fridays i don't usually have to leave the house til 10.10 compared to the 8.40 monday-thursday, but today was different. i shelled out $53 to recertify my red cross cpr for the professional rescuer. sadly, the class was at 8.30 in the morning in east mesa hell. there was an accident on the 101 so the long drive took even longer. as you can expect, i was in a really bad mood by the time i got there.
there is a glimmer of happiness in this post. when we went around the table for introductions, my new favorite fireman told us to say if this was our first time and if not, how many times you've taken the class. "hi, i'm anne. I'm taking this class for lifeguarding, and it will be my seventh recertification." due to my amazing red cross past, tom the fireman let me do a "cpr challenge." i showed him my skills, took the test, and was out of east mesa hell in 45 minutes. much better than the 8-hours the class would have taken.
and the day just got better. errol's class was canceled so we got to hang out the whole live long day til we had to go to our jobs at five. we even picked out the fabric for bridesmaid dresses. yay! i hope it works out.
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