consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Monday, November 29, 2004

this past week went incredibly quickly. i really hope the next two and a half will go equally as fast. for some strange reason i thought i only had two finals this semester, but i noticed today that i have four... arg. hurry up, december 16!

our little vacation was loads of fun. i'm so happy that errol was able to be with me and get to know the fam. he got a taste of nebraska life with the husker game and a few meals at runza, and i don't think he was too repulsed. yay! it will be even better when kate and jay are there at christmas.

there were a few low points over the week--i found out i need a root canal. boo. bright side--maybe i will be inundated with flowers and get well wishes. not hinting at all.


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