consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

i had a really good meeting with my hall director this afternoon; and if all goes well, i will be leaving cholla and returning to the honors college in january. yay! i'll miss the little apartment-- it will always hold a special place in my heart (obvious reasons), but i think it's the right decision to leave.

i just talked to my mom, and she's doing better. her sister is staying over at good ol' 1087 G tonight, and it makes me want to live with abby again. maybe we can be roomies over thanksgiving and part of winter break. :) come on, ab, i know you'd love it!

it's super-hot in my room right now. it makes me want to go to flagstaff. ah, flagstaff.


Blogger anne said...

ah, baby, i'll visit. you and hayden should have dinner parties!

2:17 pm


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