consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Saturday, October 29, 2005

my dear friend nicole got her car broken into tonight at j.crew. i feel so bad for her. she's one of the most sincerely kind people i've ever known and this horrible thing happens to her. life is so unfair. it's deceiving how familiarity equates to safety to many of us.

i submitted my tfa application today. eek. i'm nervous.

i switched the day shift for the night shift today so we could enjoy the homecoming festivities at asu. we didn't go to the game but watched some of the parade and talked to dr brack and nilsen. they are both so wonderful. i'm lucky to have great professors. errol commented on the greatness, and i think it has a lot to do with the fact they're english teachers. they've read a lot and know how to treat people. my interaction with professors will be what i miss the most.


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