i didn't have to work at j.crew today. that was nice. it's hard to even convince myself that school is my real job when it has taken second priority to all my other jobs everyday this week. no, i had a good sunday: grocery shopping, football, and homework. i also did my home workout pilates video tonight because i didn't want to drive to the gym. it reminded me of last fall and how i used to do it in cholla. ah, i love my apartment so much better than cholla.
i had another blast from the past yesterday. after errol and i had a dinner out with the palmers and good time at broken flowers, we went to anjali's and shon's birthday party. i had to force errol to go because he was afraid he'd run into someone he really didn't want to see. luckily, she wasn't there, and we got a good dose of what we don't miss. it's hard to believe that only a year ago i would have looked forward to a party like that, and last night i felt so out of place. it wasn't like it wasn't a good party. i'm just at a different place in my life than most of the people there.
movin' out closed tonight. i like working at gammage, but i'm glad i'll have some nights at home this week. the water and cable are finally fixed. for now...
yeah, i liked it--especially bill murray's jumpsuits.
1:52 pm
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