consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Saturday, September 03, 2005

errol and i concluded that yesterday was a strange day.

it started by missing the bus or not really missing it but getting sick of waiting for a very late bus and driving to school. errol finds out that his french class from rio salado was canceled and now he'll have to take summer classes to be able to start grad school in the fall. advice: get your langauge requirement done asap. we pulled a cher horowitz and went to the mall to feel better. we bought some fabulously cheap j.crew sandals and updated our wedding registeries. i can't wait til pottery barn and crate and barrel get their holiday merchandise in! there were more things in the day that made it strange... i can't really remember them now. oh, we went to sarah hayden and lisa's party. errol thinks honors kids look out of their element when they drink. i tend to agree. we saw the aristocrats too. i think chris would like it a lot.


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