consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the first days of school have been fine. i'm saving money, gas, and the environment by taking the city bus to campus everyday. it's been ok. yesterday there was a lady with one teddy bear in her lap that she talked to most of the ride and four others lined up right beside her. twas a bit strange. tonight the bus didn't have air-conditioning. boo. however, i think i'll survive, and it will be a lot better once it cools down a bit.

tonight i went to barnes and noble to visit errol and got a copy of the awakening for a dollar. score! i'll pull a kate: "shout out to barnes and noble clearance table!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Shout out" is sweepin' the nation, sistah.

8:42 pm

Blogger anne said...

sistah is not, sista.

9:48 pm


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