consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

my life is just so exciting i can hardly stand it.

chris, kate, ian, and i had a great time dining at fuddruckers tonight. chris and i realized that neither of us had been there since our respective trips to nebraska's state geography bee, but that's not the exciting part. after supper, we opened the restaurant door and felt the horrific wind and rain. it was really bad. i'd like to think it was similar to the storm of july 8, 1993. well, i'm sure that is a bit of an exagerration, but it was awfully stormy. chris and i were able to make our way on the flooded freeways, trying to stay close behind ian's little volkswagon. although we lost ian in about the first fifteen minutes, we managed to creep home at a very fast 35 mph forty minutes later.

another piece of excitement is that i got my haircut. my "stylist" made it super straight with a flat-iron. it looked fabulous. of course, all the rain and wind returned it to its natural state of medusa-esque curls, but it was good while it lasted.


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