consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Friday, July 29, 2005

so yesterday:

i had the great idea to go tubing down the salt river when chris was here. i had heard that it was a lot of fun as long as plenty of sunscreen was applied. however, apparently, more than suncreen was needed to make our trip a success.

first, mapquest gave us the wrong directions. a trip that was supposed to take 30 minutes took 90, and that was thanks to ian, my knight in shining armour, once again saving me with correct directions.

second, once we got our tubes and bussed to the river, errol's tube decided to deflate. we then had to wait another 15 minutes in the heat for a replacement.

third, chris lost a sandal to the river. he had to wrap his shirt around his foot because the ground was so hot on the walk back to the bus stop.

fourth, the lunchbox that i put our day's supplies in was not waterproof. our lunch was a soggy mess.

fifth and most horrible, errol's pocket on his swim trunks was not as secure as thought. my car keys, house key, and credit card were lost to the river.

another 90 minutes and $175 later, we were on our way back home with a freshly made car key.

this just in--

more bad news. errol was supposed to pick me up at the pool when i called him. apparently, his phone had died, and when no one answered the pool doors when he knocked at 7.55 (they always lock up early), he stopped at the src looking for me and then went home. sadly, i was inside watching the straggling rec swimmers til 8. i then waited outside the pool for 30 minutes. then, when everyone left and the lights dimmed, i decided that wasn't the place for me. i ventured to the computing commons, mu, and src trying to find an open place with people--all while calling errol. ian was going to save me yet again, but then errol decided to turn on his newly charged phone. he's on his way to pick me up now at 9.38. thanks.


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