consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Saturday, July 16, 2005

i've gotten a taste of what life will be like in a month or so when i am carless. i took my car in thursday morning for some work, and it's very nice to have it back with me where it belongs. riding the bus and bumming rides off errol wasn't bad, but you notice the heat a lot more when you have to wait in it.

yesterday at mopac i had a flash back to my axtell pool rats. the coach of one of the club swim teams decided to have a fun day at practice so they played sharks and minnows in the dive well. it was a little different watching adult swimmers play, but it made me miss the axtell kids a lot. i hope they're having a good summer.

i just got back from barnes and noble to see errol on his break, and it is insane over there. talk about harry potter mania.

i have to work at j.crew today and tomorrow. boo!


Blogger anne said...

once i get married, i have to forfeit my car back to my parents, and it's easier to drive across the country in august than december.

10:28 am


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