i'm so sad right now.
j.crew is forcing me to come in again tonight from 5-11. some stupid corporate conference is at the biltmore this week so our inconsiderate managers are extending our hours to fold and refold the over-priced merchandise so they can look good for the big-wigs. it's so disgusting. i would be mad just for those reasons, but to make matters worse, i already had a full night's work ahead for school: finish a long and hard geography assignment, study for tomorrow's math final, and somehow memorize all the countries, rivers, and mountain ranges of africa. now, i will have to begin all that at eleven--hopefully. on monday they pulled the same crap, but this time they didn't let me know i was staying til 11 until 8, and we ended up not leaving until 11.15 anyway. it's so frustrating!
more awfulness to add: i don't get to see errol at all today, and i'm blaming it on him. i drive to barnes and noble everytime i can to sit with you on your break, and you choose to go golfing instead of see me? tear.
as stated above, i am very sad.
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