consumed with the thoughts of a handsome and smart philosopher and the greatness of nutella

Thursday, May 12, 2005

So, a whole semester's gone by, and I've decided I missed this.

I just emailed a paper to my professor that was due last Tuesday. Everyone cross their fingers for me. It was for my detective fiction class, seriously, one of the best classes I have taken at ASU, and it was taught by a grad student.

Errol and I went to Prescott this afternoon. He had a dentist appointment, and I was hoping I could steal ten minutes of the dentist's time so he could fix my crown that was put on Monday and already broken. Arg. Of course, he didn't have time for me. So it goes.

I am done with Res Life for good on Saturday. It seriously can't come any sooner. I got a call from one of the hall directors this afternoon saying she was concerned about me... blah, blah, blah. Really, she thought I was doing a bad job and was threatening me in a very higher ed, "I'm worried about you" kind of way. Puke.


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